Law Of Attraction and Sex Problems

Premature Ejaculation & Law Of Attraction

You may well have heard of the Law of Attraction and manifestation, the did you know that it can be used – or at least, the principles involved in it – can be used to cure premature ejaculation?

Now hang on before you go swanning off to another website thinking this is some new age hippy thinking….. This is based on sound psychological principles of affirmation, positive reinforcement, goal setting and visualization.

Read what Free Affirmations has to say on the subject of premature ejaculation.

You can rewire your mind and last longer in bed by using these specially designed positive affirmations. They will help you to overcome problems with premature ejaculation and retake control of your sex life!

Sexual response is so closely related to mental activity that, if you can gain a measure of control over your core thought processes, you can effortlessly last longer while still enjoying immense sexual pleasure.

Imagine just letting go and having sex for as long as you want, and not having to exert intense mental effort to stop yourself from ejaculating!

You can achieve this by using these affirmations every day to naturally develop a strong degree of mental and physical sexual control.

I imagine quite a lot of you would like to know what those affirmations might be! Well, here they are…  

Present Tense Affirmations
I am a great lover
I am in control of when I ejaculate
I always last a long time in bed
My sexual stamina is amazing
I can please my lover for hours and hours
I always maintain sexual control
I am conquering premature ejaculation
I make love to my partner slowly
I always take the time to slow down and enjoy sex
I am an extremely romantic lover

Now I dare say you’re wondering whether or not it can really be the case that simply using affirmations like this can help you achieve greater control in bed. Well the truth of the matter is that affirmations can always have a massive effect on human behavior, so there’s absolutely no reason why you should doubt the power of affirmations to control one aspect of human behaviour – premature ejaculation.

Masturbation and Law of Attraction


So the essential question here, as you probably realized, is precisely how can the law of attraction play into sexual energy? This information should help you understand the connection between sexual energy, emotional energy, and the emotional fuel required to send out your desires and wishes into the universe for them to manifest.

Even so it’s a tentative and sometimes quite challenging area of debate – many people find sexuality difficult to talk about, even now, in what are regarded as times which are very “open”.

Because the reason for this is undoubtedly sexual shame which is embedded in our culture in a very profound and amazingly deep way.

Sexual Shame and Law of Attraction

You’ll see that in the video above this guy asks whether or not is necessary to have a sexual partner to achieve happiness. It’s an interesting question, dont’cha think? Although everything the one of us probably assumes that a sexual partner is a great thing to have, it actually isn’t necessary to achieve a state of happiness.

Happiness comes from the internal workings of the mind, which ultimately, in the high state of evolution, something that only you would have control over, not allowing other people to influence you into responding in a certain way which is against your best interests.

Now you will observe that The Law of Attraction is certainly a mechanism by which you can achieve something approaching individual autonomy. And you can be free from the responses and emotions generated in response to other people’s actions, thoughts and feelings. Then you are certainly becoming an independent entity with much greater spiritual power, and much more ability to manifest anything you want.

So does that mean that becoming an adept at using the Law of Attraction to manifest reality is  something that removes you from the need for human interaction?

Not at all. What the Law of Attraction and spiritual evolution combined to do is to give you much greater power over your own destiny, but they don’t alter the fact that you will receive emotional reward and satisfaction from being in relationship with the human beings.

In many ways, evolving spiritually is something that everybody with an aspiration “to be the fullest person they can be” should be doing! You see, spiritual evolution means that you’re less at the behest of other people’s emotional needs and demands, which in turn means that you have more emotional energy to satisfy your own needs.

Whether that be controlling your premature ejaculation, becoming a spiritually adept individual, becoming great lover, generating wealth and prosperity… Whatever… The fact that you have more spiritual energy available to you because you’re not disbursing it on emotional defences means that you will be more in charge of your own life in every single respect, including your sexual performance.